When I was initially going to release FNaF Fatal Error, I decided a playable teaser could help build hype. Really, this entire project was a big reference to P.T by Hideo Kojima as it really was an effective marketing strategy. Ironically, the project my PT was connected to was cancelled just like the one Hideo Kojima's P.T was. Life can be cruel.

This would have been the prologue to the Fatal Error storyline (Document can be found on the standalone Fatal Error page or here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Lt0clhmq-gW4SqLJUrEaeE0JJjGYzesJ9qHcjztuUhc/...)

Incredibly unfinished, most of this was made in 48 hours. I'm not really happy with it; but at least it demonstrates overworld map feature, and some honestly super cool rain effects, not to mention textboxes.

I hope you can tell I really wanted this concept to work!!

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